
Durability is a key point to prevent the deterioration of structures and members of buildings over time and to maintain the safety, 祝你家人健康舒适.


外墙瓷砖每30至40年需要保养一次, 简单来说就是砌体接缝的修补

Ceramic tiles are a superior choice of material for furnishing external walls, to give them a quality and expansive appearance as well as protection against UV rays and acid rain. We use ceramic tiles for Heim's external walls to enhance the durability and waterproofing properties. 出于这些目的, ceramic tiles are adhered to waterproofed SFC boards with waterproofed elastic epoxy adhesive, 从而消除了尖关节. Tiles are fixed in place in the factory to maintain constant performance quality. Since the tiles used for Heim have a fine surface irregularity in order to maintain their high hydrophilic properties, 它们可以长时间保持清洁, 而且不像粉刷外墙和壁板外墙, 这可能会大大减少维护工作量, 如防水和重新粉刷, 这可能是必需的.


That means a phenomenon whereby a thin water membrane forms over the surface of the material. 一旦水扩散到整个表面, 这可以防止雨水造成的污渍粘在表面上.

Hydrophilic cycle to prevent stains 从坚持 to Heim's external walls

A relief external wall with UVA coating allows intervals twice as long before repainting

UV rays adversely affect the painted membrane of the external wall and decrease the waterproofing property as well as spoiling its beauty. Ordinary painting external walls require repainting approximately every decade, while the UVA coating used for Heim's external walls employs a method to coat the colored base layer (enamel base layer) with a thick clear finishing coat containing ultraviolet absorber. 这种涂层只允许少量紫外线穿透珐琅基底, 将重新粉刷的间隔时间延长至大约每20年一次*, 即是普通绘画的两倍, to maintain the aesthetic and waterproofing properties of the external walls.

  • *十大赌博娱乐平台的测试数字,这可能会因环境而异.


A Dula stonewall, with ingredients similar to stone and requiring no repainting

Dula stonewall is made of kaolin, a natural material used for medicines and cosmetics. 首先燃烧高岭土以提取杂质, 并与硬化剂混合, filler and foaming agent after being crushed in order to be foamed and hardened via a chemical reaction. 杜拉石墙不透水,不需要涂层, since it consists of fine particles and has very small independent bobbles. 为了抵抗紫外线和酸雨, it may be the most suitable material for an external wall given 日本ese weather conditions, 从冬天到夏天哪个变化很大. 它还具有很高的亲水性, 可以防止油脂, 如油尘和汽车尾气, 从坚持. This property, together with its durability performance, reduces the maintenance costs involved.


Dew condensation occurring inside the walls accelerates the deterioration of insulators and decreases the insulation efficiency of the building. 然而, 海姆的内墙可以防止房间湿气的侵入, 因为它们是用防潮石膏板完成的. 以防万一发生入侵, a semi-sealed air space of the boards is designed to eject the moisture and keep the inside of walls dry.


Unit technology to protect the steel frame plus a ZAM gilded steel plate keep the building stable for 140 years

The anti-corrosion treatment used has a significant influence on the durability of the steel frame. 海姆所有的柱子和横梁都用ZAM镀金, 这有助于延长钢材的耐久性, meaning its anti-corrosion durability is twice as long* as that of ordinary fusion 锌 aluminum gilding, 预计使用寿命长达140年. 除了, as Heim's posts and beams are manufactured and assembled in factory under conditions of minimum exposure to outdoor air, 实际的使用时间可能更长.

  • *十大赌博娱乐平台的测试数字,这可能会因环境而异.

New generation anti-corrosion treatment, the characteristics of ZAM steel plate

以防钢架损坏, 锌, 镀金层中的铝和镁被熔化, 它们保护钢材(这被称为牺牲防腐). 在焊接部分, magnesium in the gilded layer also melts onto the repaired metal surface and forms an effective protection membrane, which provides sacrificial anti-corrosion to cutting surfaces and processing sites.

The ZAM steel plate ensures the most stringent durability requirements and deterioration control grade 3 are met under the Quality Secure Law.

十大赌博娱乐平台使用ZAM钢板, which meet the criteria of deterioration control grade 3 with 75 years durability, 为所有钢架结构海姆, meaning the 75-year durability of ZAM steel plate frame structure is verified under the Quality Secure Law. Among ordinary gilded and painted steel plates, only ZAM steel plate, which is 2.3mm thick, can meet the criteria of deterioration control grade 3 with 75 years durability

  • *Deterioration control grade 3: grade of measures to extend the period to require major renovation, 如更换用于结构骨架的材料
  • *Useful life: number of years until a maintenance-applied structure reaches the limit of deterioration.



The hyper dulatic roof used for the flat roof type Heim has extended durability and high weather resistance. We use a stainless steel roofing material that is also used for domed buildings and large constructions. This material has a corrosion resistance about 4 times higher than the ordinary stainless steel used for exterior members. 该材料的腐蚀程度已被证明小于0.即使在被海水破坏的地区,如冲绳,每世纪也会增加2毫米.


Ordinary tiled roofs requires repainting every 10 years and re-roofing or replacement of the roof tiles every 30 years to maintain the beauty and waterproofing of the building. 然而, 超波纹屋顶, 海姆的不锈钢屋顶, requires no maintenance work around the roof except sealing for lean-to roofs every 20 years*.

  • *十大赌博娱乐平台的测试数字,这可能会因环境而异.


十大赌博娱乐平台也有高耐久性的屋顶材料用于坡屋顶. Our tile batters are made of plastics to meet the durability specifications. The bruck roofing material is resistant to shock and the base material can be used for more than 40 years though it requires repainting every 20 to 30 years.